Need to know
Twelve cabins, one tent.
11am, but flexible, subject to availability. Earliest check-in, 3pm.
More details
Rates include all meals and drinks not on the Reserve list.
If the hot springs aren’t enough for rejuvenating your relaxation levels, head to the yoga studio. There’s also a cabin-based gym.
At the hotel
Yoga studio, library, climbing wall, boxing gym, original saloon, dance hall, teepee and free WiFi. In rooms, iPod dock, free bottled water and REN bath products.
Our favourite rooms
Of all the cabins, we love the spacious Well House best for its open plan, romantic vibe and private hot springs. Runner up goes to Bjoerkmans, one of the oldest and cosiest cabins, named after the miner that built it. As well as a view of the waterfall, its understated design takes in rustic rugs and classic wooden furniture. For seclusion, plump for Dolores, which has a large deck overlooking the river.
There are indoor and outdoor natural hot springs to bathe in, including one overlooking the mountains through a floor-to-ceiling window in the Bath House.
Packing tips
Think mountains: even in summer, the temperature can drop. You’ll be grateful for layers. No need to pack holiday reads – each cabin has enough literature to keep you entertained.
There’s no signal for cell phones in the resort, but all calls made from the landline are free.
Pooches are welcome in Geysir, Bjorkmans, Dunton Store, Vertical Log cabins. See more pet-friendly hotels in San Juan Mountains.
Children are welcome. Cots for babies and toddlers aged two and under are free; under-12s can stay in their parents’ room for US$200 a night. A local nanny can be drafted in with three days’ notice. The saloon serves up a children’s menu.