Need to know
11am, but flexible, subject to availability. Earliest check-in, 3pm.
More details
Some rates include breakfast, a main dish (Hungarian frittata, eggs Benny, croque monsieur…), hot drink and juice.
Housekeeping leaves homemade welcome cookies in the rooms, made using a recipe by the owner’s confectioner daughter.
At the hotel
Rooftop restaurant, free WiFi, 24-hour front desk, charged laundry service. In rooms: TV, minibar, Nespresso machine, kettle, bespoke toiletries, air-conditioning.
Our favourite rooms
No two of the Hotel Rum’s 40 rooms are the same, though they do all share a common thread of quirky-hip meets industrial-chic. While rooms between the second and fourth floors have floor-to-ceiling windows, we plumped for one of the smaller rooms, which you’ll find from the fifth level and up, for a cosier mood and more elevated city views.
There’s no spa, however the hotel is happy to arrange visits to and treatments in Budapest’s wonderful Széchenyi and Gellért thermal baths.
Packing tips
Don’t forget your bathing togs and flip-flops if you’re planning a visit to one of the city’s spas.
Due to its heritage building status, the hotel cannot offer wheelchair access or adapted rooms.
Little Smiths of all ages are welcome, though don’t expect anything particularly child-friendly. They don’t have interconnecting rooms either, but some can sleep a family of four.