Need to know
Eight, including seven suites.
Anytime before 11pm, the hotel are very flexible, subject to guests’ transfer times. Earliest check-in, 6am.
More details
Rates include all meals and transportation in a chauffeured car.
Take advantage of your tea-centric surroundings with the hotel's full-day Tea Experience, which includes a lengthy walk to the tea factory, a tasting and a tour through the plantation, stopping for lunch by the nearby river.
At the hotel
Gardens, library, spa, valet parking, and free WiFi throughout. In rooms: free bottled water, Glenburn Therapy by Mountain Valley Springs bath products.
Our favourite rooms
Each room is decorated around a unique theme (birds, butterflies, and local flora and fauna) and opens out to a veranda. Overlooking its namesake mountain range, the Singalila Suite has two private balconies for double the views, and a four-poster bed, positioned so couples can watch the sunrise over the peaks beyond the tea fields.
The Glenburn Therapy Mini Spa offers massages in one treatment room using green-tea-infused house oils. Guests can get mini shoulder or foot massages on the verandas or out in the gardens.
Packing tips
Comfortable walking shoes are practically mandatory for exploring the vast gardens and grounds.
Three rooms in the Burra Bungalow can accommodate wheelchairs; the bungalow has two entry steps, but staff are happy to assist.
All ages are welcome. The expansive grounds and gardens are ideal for playtime. Cribs and highchairs are available for little ones.
Sustainability efforts
The hotel is a member of the Rainforest Alliance, committed to protecting local forests and wildlife. Food in the restaurant is grown on-site or locally, where possible, using organic, seasonal, fair-trade and free-range ingredients. The hotel also composts, recycles and reuses.