Luxury holidays in Novigrad

When to go

Restaurants and attractions can be seasonal, making May to September the best months to visit. In July and August, Novigrad is at its hottest and sunniest – a summer idyll made for days at the beach. September is our tip for warm sea temperatures and quieter shores. If basking in sunshine holds little interest, consider going from October to April: not much rainier than summer months, Istria’s low season simply means lower temperatures – ideal for a more active trip.

Getting there

  • Planes

    Pula (50 minutes by road) and Trieste in Italy (80 minutes away) are the nearest international airports to Novigrad; Slovenia’s Ljubljana Airport is less than two hours away, too.
  • Boats

    Ferries from Venice cross the Adriatic in less than three hours to Poreč, which is only a 35-minute drive from Novigrad.
  • Automobiles

    Two main motorways span the peninsula, east and west, merging towards the region’s southernmost city Pula and prompting the name ‘Y Motorway’ – which in Croatian sounds (pleasingly) like a death metal band, Istarski Ipsilon. Novigrad lies just off the A9.