Luxury holidays in Ollantaytambo

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When to go

The driest season is between May and September, and though you’ll likely see herds heading to Machu Picchu, Ollantaytambo is relatively quiet year round. For a dose of local Cuscan culture, visit seven weeks after Easter, when the annual Señor de Choquekillka festival fills the town.

Getting there

  • Planes

    Flying to Ollantaytambo from Europe often requires two layovers – one in the US and another in Peru’s international Jorge Chávez airport – before landing in Cusco, a 90-minute drive from the town’s centre.
  • Trains

    There’s a direct train from Ollantaytambo’s station to Machu Picchu, which usually takes around half an hour.
  • Automobiles

    Peruvian roads are a little risky unless you’re a local, but if you’re feeling brave, there are rental booths at Cusco’s airport.