Luxury holidays in Capri

When to go

Most hotels and restaurants shut from November until mid-March. May and October offer warm weather and few crowds. Prices shoot sky high in July and August.

Getting there

  • Planes

    The nearest international airport is Naples.
  • Trains

    No, but boats or helicopters are an option. Take a bus shuttle from the airport to the Molo Beverello quay to catch a 45-min hydrofoil to Capri. Expect an hourly service during the summer and up to five ferries a day during the winter. NLG Linea Jet (+081 552 7209; and Snav (+081 428 5111; both offer 45-min hydrofoil services; Caremar (+081 551 3882; operates ferry services (some take cars), which take 1hr 20 mins. If you're light of luggage and heavy of wallet, SAM Helicopters ( will whizz you from Naples.
  • Automobiles

    You could hire a car | but Capri's roads are narrow | stomach-churningly winding and dominated by aggressive drivers with horns on permanent alert. Scooter hire gives far more La Dolce Vita points | and | by patronising the snappily named Rent an Electric Scooter (Via Roma 68; +081 837 5863; from €10 for one hour) | you can feel satisfyingly green.
  • Taxis

    Stretch candy-striped open-top Fiats used to negotiate the island's hairpin bends but most have been put out of service. You'll see a few restored Classics touring around, but new seven-seater versions are now made specially for the island: a great way to look glam even when you're in a traffic jam. Pay around €10 from Capri Town to Anacapri.