Luxury holidays in North Coast

Head to Egypt’s North Coast to exchange Cairo’s crowds with over 600 miles of golden coastline and untouched sun-bleached sand gently lapped by the Mediterranean’s glistening celeste waves. Wander down to the balmy coast, past terracotta-tiled homes and fuchsia flowers, until you reach Almaza Bay, the North Coast’s poster child for unspoilt sands. If you can manage to pull yourself away from these stretches of bambooed beaches (we understand if not), then rent a sailboat and set-off for a day of island hopping along the Mediterranean’s pristine waters. Or, if you’d rather be sipping a mojito on the deck instead of steering starboard, then charter a boat and let the skipper do the work for you.

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When to go

Cooler than its Red Sea counterpart, the North Coast has pleasant temperatures throughout the summer season, with highs of 31°C and sea temperatures of 27°C during August. While the winters aren’t freezing, they may be a little too chilly for sea-swimming.

Getting there

  • Planes

    Fly direct into Cairo Airport, where you can either rent a car or hop in a taxi for around three hours to the North Coast, just southwest of Alexandria.
  • Automobiles

    If you’re prepared to encounter some, let’s say, challenging drivers, then renting a car can be a great way to explore the unspoilt beauty of this pristine coastline. Although, taxis are probably a less stressful (and cheaper) option for your trip.