Luxury holidays in North London

  • 0 Hotels
  • 0 Villas
  • Explore

When to go

North London comes alive in the summer with bustling beer gardens, park-bound picnickers and bartering street vendors.

Getting there

  • Planes

    Fly into one of London’s many airports; Heathrow is a little further west, but only takes an hour to reach North London; landing in Gatwick takes you further afield with a two-hour drive ahead; London City, though much smaller, is the closest of the three and puts you 50 minutes away. Hop on the train from the airport if you land during rush hour and you’ll save yourself a lot of traffic-induced thumb twiddling.
  • Trains

    Trains, tubes, buses and walking are your best way to get around the city. Hop on the – fittingly named – Northern Line to zip around North London's top spots. If you’re travelling to London by train you’re likely to pull into St Pancras, which is a 15-minute drive from Camden and North London’s neighbouring boroughs.
  • Automobiles

    If you have the patience of Miss Moneypenny, then driving in London is for you; if not you’ll probably be much happier on public transport. Those who do hire a car should be aware of congestion charges, pricey parking and environmental fees caught to catch you out around the city.