Luxury holidays in Marinilla

Small-town Marinilla might not be as dynamic and modern as Medellín (its closest city, a 40-minute drive away), but there’s a charming authenticity to it, with its farmers’ market, family-run businesses and curiosities: a museum with the world’s largest collection of crucifixes, anyone? Its past was militaristic – the town offered soldiers to Simón Bolívar during the fight for independence – but these days is given to peaceful pursuits, playing the guitars the town’s famed for making, rustling up tasty Paisa cuisine (yucca breads, pandebonos with guava jam, sancocho stew). And there’s lots of natural beauty, too, with Pre-Colombian treks to follow and paragliding over the Andes if you dare.

When to go

Mid-December to mid-March are best for clement weather and outdoors-iness in Marinilla.

Getting there

  • Planes

    José María Cordova International Airport is the closest, around an hour’s drive away.
  • Automobiles

    You’ll need a set of wheels to get around; take note, the roads are more roughshod outside the town.