Luxury holidays in Newfoundland & Labrador

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Areas in Newfoundland & Labrador

When to go

Summer (June to August) is the warmest, and fall (September and October), while cooler, is still generally a sunny and pleasant time of year to be outdoors. Long winters (November to March) give way to the spring thaw when icebergs and whales emerge.

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Getting there

  • Planes

    Fly to into Newfoundland from London Heathrow or New York area airports to either St. John's International Airport or Gander International Airport via Air Canada ( or United Airlines ( Charter flights connect to smaller islands off the coast.
  • Boats

    If venturing to smaller islands you can also reach them via ferry from Newfoundland.
  • Automobiles

    A car is convenient for exploration, and there are several reliable car hire companies at the airports.