Discover hotels for Australia Day in East Kimberley, Australia

When you arrive at East Kimberley’s airport, a sign welcomes you to ‘The Last Frontier’. This remote pocket of the Kimberley in north Western Australia earns its nickname with it’s almost post-apocalyptic landscapes and a decided lack of humans. Here, sun-parched desert meets swampy mangroves meets ancient canyons meets jagged ravines. Waterfalls fit for giants and the impossibly blue sea provide welcome visual liquid refreshment, but watch out for those salt-water crocs… Pesky crocodilians aside, the East Kimberley – or the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley, to use its full name – has rewards galore for intrepid explorers. In the quiet billabongs, wild flowers bloom in heady abundance; rare birds swoop through the skies; all creatures great and small gather by the watering holes and Mother Nature is on a mission to impress, showcasing scenery in every conceivable hue.